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By Janet Martin
Cellulite is something that many people experience, regardless of size, age and gender. Even if you are wafer thin or round as ball, you can have an orange-peel-looking skin on your thighs, arms, stomach, shoulders, buttocks, hips and even the lower back. In fact, even popular celebrities are having problems getting rid of this nasty subcutaneous fat.
One of the most effective ways to eliminate this problem is through cosmetic surgery. However, this method is not only painful, but also very expensive. Unless you have thousands of dollars to spare, you can always rely on the natural means of winning the battle against dimpled skin.
Experts believe that cellulite is caused by toxins and wastes that form fat cells just beneath the skin. If you don’t want to have this cottage cheese look on your skin, then you should start drinking a lot of water. It is a known fact that water is important in flushing out the toxins and waste products out of your body. At the first sign of cellulite, start chugging down enough water to help remove toxins tucked in places that are difficult to reach.
Since cellulite is also considered as a circulation problem, you can get rid of it when you are inside your bathroom or shower. An effective method of boosting circulation is by scrubbing your arms, thighs, stomach and other problematic areas with a loofah, brush, or sponge. Just make sure that you brush in a long and upward motion.
Although weight is not an issue when it comes to cellulite, you still need to pay attention to what you eat. You must remember that toxins are responsible for the development of cellulite; thus, you ought to stay away from the types of foods that produce bad things for your body. Instead of junk food, eat more veggies, nuts and fruits.
If you have been consuming junk foods all your life, then you may want to undergo detoxification. This process will help clean your colon and improve the functions of your internal organs, including the lungs, kidneys and liver. There are many products, such as Colpurin, that can help you with your detox process.
Many will tell you that no amount of exercise can reach the fat under your skin. It may be true that no matter how much you perform push-ups and lunges, fat-causing cellulite might still be trapped somewhere under the skin. Nonetheless, exercise is important in bolstering your circulation. Also, you should know by now that good blood circulation prevents the worsening of your cellulite woes.
Many of the health problems you are experiencing can be traced back from stress and anxiety. When you are in a chronic state of mind, you will start to crave unhealthy foods or have a hard time sleeping. Experiencing digestive problems, encountering hormonal imbalances, and starting to developing cellulite are also common when you are stressed out. What you need to do to improve your health and your skin is to relax and rest.
Yoga, tai chi, meditation, and other activities that can help you relax and de-stress will not only prevent you from having cottage-cheese skin, but also improve your overall health. Breathing exercises are also great in bringing your stress levels down as well as improving blood circulation.
Massage Therapy
One certified anti-cellulite method is massage therapy. You really do not have to go to a spa to have a cellulite-fighting massage. Just massage lotion or cream, preferably one that is specifically designed to prevent cellulite, on your problem areas after taking a bath or shower.
About the Author: Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine
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