Taking Care Of Your Feet

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By Stewart Wrighter

Many people do not think to care for their feet as much as they probably should. It sounds silly to say, but feet should get a lot more attention than people give to them. They walk around and support us all the time and they get tired after a day. We may not notice it but by sitting down and resting them for a while each day, it can really help. Have you ever noticed that when you walk around for a very long time your feet getting really tired and all you want to do is lay down? This is obviously because those little feet support a hundred to hundreds of pounds in weight depending on each person. With an overweight person, feet have to support a lot more. If you experience problems with your feet, contact a podiatry office or a foot doctor.

There are many things that you can do to your feet to keep them in good shape. First of all, do not walk around on them for too long or carry heavy items for a long time and if you have to every once in a while, wear shoes that have support. If you wear shoes without arch support, it could cause you to have flat feet. Flat feet can cause back pain and foot pain. It may not seem like a big thing, but good arch support can help posture and can prevent back pain.


Massages and pedicures can be expensive, but if you have the money, try getting one every one to two months. Dry and cracked feet can be a hard thing to fix on your own, but it becomes more manageable when you have a pedicure every once in a while. The last thing you want is to have athletes foot or bunions and calluses; so scrubbing them and making sure you exercise good hygiene with your feet is a good idea. You do not want to have pains that can be avoided and when you go to wear flip-flops in the summer, you do not want to have long toenails and dry feet. You can apply foot lotion to your feet every night before bed as well to prevent them from being dry.

The dry skin on your hands is much different then dry skin on your feet. The skin on your feet is much rougher due to the fact that they have to be stronger because they are supporting our bodies and are touching the floor. The skin is tougher so that it cannot be cut as easily. This is a good thing, but it makes it harder when you have dry skin because it is much harder to reverse.

Feet can be gross, but if you take care of them, they do not have to be. If you have to shower in a community bathroom at college, make sure that you wear shoes to avoid athlete’s foot. Taking care of them is not hard if you take it a little bit at a time.

About the Author: Stewart Wrighter has been researching

Manhattan podiatry

specialists for an article he is writing about the subject. He searched the term

Manhattan foot doctor

to find one in the area.



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